Monday, March 15, 2010



It's a strange thing. It's something I crave at times, definitely. When studying for exams, for example. Rather be bored than study, I think. Hopelessly, utterly bored.

Trouble is, when boredom is suddenly at your disposal, what exactly are you supposed to do with it? Time is what I would crave, but when it's looking me in the eye...

I used to deal with boredom by reading. This was by no means a chore, however. When I was young, I was known to finish a book a day. My mom would get flustered, exclaiming that she had just bought that book yesterday. What was the point, she would say, of buying a book if it is finished the next day? But it was not in an accusatory tone - she loved that I loved to read.

Trouble is, I don't read that much anymore. I find myself having trouble concentrating on reading for long periods of time. I still love to read before bed, though, in the same way I would when I was young - finishing the chapter even if it means rereading it the next day because I was too tired to digest it the first time.

Recently I've been trying to get back into reading. I had a sudden realization, while sitting in front of my computer, multi-tasking Facebook and MSN, that in the past I might have been reading instead. Enjoying myself far more than I was at that moment, with a mere book and comfortable couch.

Is it ever too late for New Years Resolutions? I sure hope not, because I've developed a new one: read, read, read!

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go find my book...

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