Friday, March 26, 2010

Life's Soundtrack

Wouldn't it be handy if there was a soundtrack to our lives?

Think about it. In the movies, the soundtrack is often a form of warning for what is about to take place. If there was a soundtrack to life, maybe we could be more prepared for life's surprises, or just stay along for the ride and enjoy the music. For the moments when all was well, maybe a favourite song would be playing. For those moments when something could potentially jump out of the closet, there would be the Jaws theme. In those moments of sadness, Sarah McLaughlan would come on.

Maybe though, the effect would not be so good. Thinking back to poor Neville from the Harry Potter series and to his Remembrall, which is supposed to remind him that he's forgotten something, he could never remember what he forgot. Maybe it would be more annoying then anything to be deciphering what scare would soon take place, and the Sarah McLaughlan would get annoying when you just wanted some peace and quiet.

Still, food for thought.

Monday, March 15, 2010



It's a strange thing. It's something I crave at times, definitely. When studying for exams, for example. Rather be bored than study, I think. Hopelessly, utterly bored.

Trouble is, when boredom is suddenly at your disposal, what exactly are you supposed to do with it? Time is what I would crave, but when it's looking me in the eye...

I used to deal with boredom by reading. This was by no means a chore, however. When I was young, I was known to finish a book a day. My mom would get flustered, exclaiming that she had just bought that book yesterday. What was the point, she would say, of buying a book if it is finished the next day? But it was not in an accusatory tone - she loved that I loved to read.

Trouble is, I don't read that much anymore. I find myself having trouble concentrating on reading for long periods of time. I still love to read before bed, though, in the same way I would when I was young - finishing the chapter even if it means rereading it the next day because I was too tired to digest it the first time.

Recently I've been trying to get back into reading. I had a sudden realization, while sitting in front of my computer, multi-tasking Facebook and MSN, that in the past I might have been reading instead. Enjoying myself far more than I was at that moment, with a mere book and comfortable couch.

Is it ever too late for New Years Resolutions? I sure hope not, because I've developed a new one: read, read, read!

Now if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go find my book...

Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Constant Companion

People come and go. Things happen or do not happen. But what I'm beginning to realize in this life of inconsistencies is that there is always something constant, a companion of sorts that is there whether or not you want it to be. Stress.

Maybe it's just the mood I'm in. It is 9:00 on a Sunday night. The weekend is coming to a close, procrastination is dominating, and there is a lot on my mind. At this moment in time, it feels as if nothing is right, even though, in reality, lots is going right. I guess the few things that aren't completely perfect are taking over.

There's a conclusion I've come to recently, though - life is never going to be perfect. I can't count the number of times I've thought "Once this happens, then I will be able to relax". Yet here I am, still worrying on a new set of issues.

Perhaps it's life's way of teasing us. It'll give you this tidbit of happiness, let you enjoy it for a while, but as a side dish, there's a new set of worries to go along with it. Sort of like saying, "Here's some cake, but be sure not to eat it all!" The hidden cost on the contract.

Recently I've been thinking, while walking down the hallway at school, passing people in the street, or giving people their bags of baked goods at work, that every person I interact with could be the subject of a novel. Every one of us has our own story, our own set of troubles. We are all complex. Certain things in our lives are going well, other parts are not. Nobody's life is perfect.

Reminds me of a quote from one of my favourite movies, About A Boy:

"The thing is, a person's life is like a TV show. I was the star of The Will Show. And The Will Show wasn't an ensemble drama. Guests came and went, but I was the regular. It came down to me and me alone. If Marcus' mum couldn't manage her own show, if her ratings were falling, it was sad, but that was her problem."

We're all our own shows, but once in a while, we're on the same channel.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I want a whole nother apple!

"Oops, my bad."
"Your bad?? What are you talking about?! There's no subject! Your toe, your IQ?"
"Hey, don't make me feel bad about the way I talk!"
"You feel bad? Like evil? I think you mean feel badly."

Hahaha. That is just an example of this hilarious video I just discovered. I encourage everybody to watch it!

I have to say, it's making me think. Is the proper English language going extinct? I've long thought about the "like" phenomenon, which I myself am a victim of, as well as so many expressions that we say that simply do not make sense - are these signs that we're losing the concept of the well-spoken and well-written word?